Celeb Magazine

Republican Greg Gianforte ‘body Slammed’ a Reporter for Asking a Question

Posted on the 25 May 2017 by Sumithardia

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This chinless wonder is named Greg Gianforte. He’s the Republican running in Montana’s special election to be Montana’s sole representative to the House. What was a minor political story of a special election – most of the articles used the race as a proxy for the larger Trump-versus-Democrats national story – has just blown up into an international storyline which is dominating headlines. First, a tiny bit of backstory: The Guardian, a respected British newspaper, has significantly increased their presence in America and American journalism. While I was surprised to learn that reporters from The Guardian were in Montana, it’s not shocking in the least. The Guardian recently did a fascinating story on Greg Gianforte’s Russian connections too – Gianforte owns about $250K in index stocks tied to the Russian economy
So, there was already a significant media interest in this special election, and the election is being held today. Last night, Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs approached Gianforte at his headquarters and asked for his response on the CBO’s score of Trumpcare. Gianforte responded to those questions by body slamming Ben Jacobs, throwing him to the ground and breaking his glasses. This happened in front of other journalists and witnesses. Jacobs called the police to report the assault, and he was taken to the hospital to be checked out. The thing is, Jacobs was asking questions of Gianforte on the record, so Jacobs had his recorder out. He recorded his assault.

The dumbasses running this violent psycho’s campaign didn’t realize or didn’t care that the audio was already out, because the campaign released a completely ridiculous story about why Gianforte felt the need to assault a reporter for asking questions. “Aggressive behavior from a liberal journalist.” Rii-ight.
Gianforte's statement: pic.twitter.com/WVNdA1yZ8w
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) May 25, 2017

A group of Fox News journalists were in the same room when the assault took place – when Jacobs asks for names in that audio, he was asking the Fox News people. A member of the group wrote about what they witnessed, and they are not taking Gianforte’s side whatsoever. Fox News-as-eyewitness described the moment when “Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’” They also say that at no point was Jacobs in any way physically aggressive towards Gianforte.
Gianforte has been giving a citation for misdemeanor assault following a brief investigation by the local sheriff, who incidentally donated to Gianforte’s campaign. The local paper has withdrawn their endorsement of Gianforte and some believe Gianforte should withdraw from the race. This special election should be an interesting one to watch. Remember to vote today, Montana Celebitches!

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Photos courtesy of Getty.

Source: celebitchy.com

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