Food & Drink Magazine

Raspberry Scones

By Clevermuffin @Clevermuffin

Raspberry scones

Here are some important things to know about scones:

(Points 4 & 5 and the most poignant for me.)

  1.  An original ‘proper’ scone was about the size of a dinner plate, made of oats and baked on a griddle.
  2. Then it was cut into the triangle like shapes you see today, which are called scones. The large round cake was referred to as a bannock.
  3. Another common variety is the dropped scone which just requires you to literally grab a chunk of batter and fry it or cook it on ya griddle. Or, the oven.
  4. I learnt to make scones at a one day bread making course at the old Convent Bakery in Melbourne. The baker was totally hot.
  5. They’re yum.

Raspberry scones

This recipe was the one given to me at my baking course. The hot baker used what I’d called the drop method. His words were something like ‘scones should be rustic looking, just grab handfuls of dough and chuck it on your tray’.

So I follow his cooking method because he seemed very hot wise.

Raspberry scones

Dropped on the tray, waiting to be cooked.

400 grams self raising flour (about 3 heaped cups)
30 grams sugar (about 2 ½ tablespoons)
2 pinches of salt
40 grams butter, softened
1 cup milk
Optional: 80-100 grams raspberries, blueberries, sultanas or chocolate chips
Optional: dash of cinnamon

(I used 100 grams of raspberries and a dash of cinnamon)


  1. Preheat oven to 240 C. Line a tray with baking paper.
  2. Place flour, sugar and salt in a bowl
  3. Fold through the butter to make the mixture like bread crumbs, then add milk
  4. Don’t over mix, gently bring all ingredients together, add your optional flavouring
  5. Place handfuls of dough on trays (as pictured above)
  6. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden on top. Makes about 12.

Best served hot, with lots of butter, jam and cream!

Healthy? Plain scone with no flavour is about 155. With raspberries they’re 160, with sultanas about 185.

Storage: They freeze well, otherwise best eaten within a couple of days. Store in airtight container.

1.    Wikipedia
2.    The hot baker at  Convent Bakery

Raspberry scones
Raspberry scones
Raspberry scones
Raspberry scones

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