
God's will. Jesus is not my GPS. Things have been hard for me lately. There are challenges that I have been facing that I’ve been praying about for a while and not receiving an answer. I believe in God’s perfect timing so I haven’t felt frustrated. However, these are big things (career, relationships, parenting) and I have felt sad, anxious, and a bit lost about not knowing God's will about the way ahead. I started listening to the audio book Experiencing God on YouTube. Someone, I … READ MORE
I Have a 3 Year Old!

I have a 3 year old guys. It's been a while since I've given you guys an update. COVID life has been tough. But all the days weren't bad. Here is a Vlog from one of the best days. Baby Joy Chaser's Birthday!!! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/syALIw7GRzw … READ MORE

As part of my bday celebration I am launching the Chasing Joy show to the world on YouTube. Season 1 episode 1 premieres at 10 tonight. Please watch, like and share it. You can set a reminder now https://youtu.be/5ISjBzSSLIs.
This week has been full of ups and downs from refinancing my home, getting the COVID-19 vaccine (shot 1 of 2), my cat Peanut getting sick, celebrating my Birthday, and then Peanut taking a turn for the worse and having to be put down
I'm ending the week and … READ MORE
Where I’ve Been and What’s Been Going On

Wow It has been over 6 months since I last updated this blog. I feel ashamed but not really. It is what it is. Before I really go into where I've been and what's been going on I should start by saying I have been increasingly learning to give myself more grace. So there will be no beating myself up over this little hiatus. So, where I've been? In short no where. The pandemic is still going strong so Baby Joy Chaser have been in the house. I can probably actually count the places I've … READ MORE
Trapped But Still Chasing Joy

One thing I am actively working on in 2020 is feeling my feelings. As in actually taking the time to assess what emotions I am experiencing as opposed to distracting myself, silencing them with food, or denying them all together.I had been struggling to articulate what I've been feeling lately but I think I figured it out today. As you know we are in the midst of the Corona virus pandemic. We have been practicing social distancing and living in a version of quarantine for months now. Much longer … READ MORE
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