Politics Magazine

Question: “Robert, How Do You Know So Much About Serial Killers, Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Sexual Sadists?”

Posted on the 26 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

I sometimes get involved in websleuthing. I don’t do it all the time, but I’ve been doing this for years.

I have also worked in real life with detectives attempting to solve an attempted homicide of a policeman in New Jersey in the 1960’s or 1970’s. I worked with detectives from California and New Jersey on that case. I had a good POI, and they were very interested in this case. I was very impressed with all three detectives in the case.

I am very interested in this sort of thing, and I have researched heavily a few cases. I have never caught anyone yet though. I wish I had. I am particularly interested in serial killings involving rape of women and molestation of girls. Basically rapist-murderers or child killers. In almost all such cases, the children are sexually molested. Repeat child killers are almost always sexually motivated. We are dealing with a sadistic pedophile in these cases. In the case of women, we are almost always dealing with a sexual sadist. In almost all such cases, we are dealing with sociopaths or psychopaths, probably the latter. I’m not interested in sleuthing out any other sort of cases, sorry. I have studied serial killers for many years, and I know a lot about them.

My counseling practice deals heavily with people who are consumed by thoughts of child molesting, violence against others, or homicide. I have to do differential diagnosis to determine pedophilia vs. no pedophilia and dangerous person versus non-dangerous person all the time.

As part of this work, I had to do a lot of research on violent people, especially murderers and serial killers. I have also done a lot of research into psychopathy and sexual sadism. I had to do a lot of research into pedophilia, which even included studying pedophile and hebephile websites where these people post.

These sites are on the Open Internet, and really there is no real child pornography on these sites. It’s mostly just gray area stuff and pedophiles/hebephiles talking about their common sexual interest. As a result, you can learn quite a bit of how these people think. It’s a valuable experience if you wish to understand pedophilia or hebephilia.

Confessions of molesting children on these forums are rare. I have only seen four confessions, and two involved 13 year old girls, which is arguably not even pedophilia.

It is a mistake to think that everyone on those boards is a pedophile or hebephile. Pedophile boards often consist of about 1/2 pedophiles and 1/2 pedophile-haters who abuse and threaten the pedophiles. So at least half of the people on those boards are not even pedophiles. They are the opposite.

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