Current Magazine

Poll: 7% Of Torontonians Have No Opinion Who Should Be Mayor

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Toronto Sun reports that former Member of Parliament and City Councillor Olivia Chow, who has just entered the Toronto Mayoral race has taken the lead in an early poll.

36% of those polled said they would support Chow vs. 28% for Ford. Three other candidates received support; and 7% of those polled had no opinion on the topic.

Three Possible Explanations Some Toronto Residents Could Have No Opinion On Who Should Be Mayor

1. Waiting to hear more on key issues, like “Will you smoke crack?” and “Do you have a lot of friends who are the type of friends that post embarrassing videos of you on YouTube?”

2. Collecting signatures to get their cat into the race because their cat is good at appearing in funny YouTube videos, and there’s no law that says a cat can’t run for mayor.*

3. Aspiring comedians and journalists afraid to admit they will vote for Rob Ford to give them future material.

*may not be a fact. What you expect us to read City of Toronto by-laws to see if a cat can run for mayor?

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