Schooling Magazine

Persuasive Essay on Driving Styles and Personality

By Hanna Spence

People reveal a lot about themselves by the way they drive. A driver’s style can sometimes provide insight into that driver’s personality. Though there are no strict causal laws connecting driving style and personality, there are some casual observations that may reveal a driver’s motivations and values. In this essay I will describe some of these observations about the way people drive and what this reveals about them.

We can categorize drivers into three types according to their rule-following behavior. The first type of driver is one that always follows the rules of the road. These drivers follow the speed limit, stop at signs and lights, and always use their turning signals. This driving behavior reveals that the driver is a generally cautious and patient person. It also reveals that this type of driver highly values safety.

The second type of driver is one that regularly does not follow the rules of the road. These drivers surpass the speed limit, they often do not stop at lights and signs, and they often turn without using their turning signals. This driving behavior reveals that the driver is generally not caution and is an impatient person. It also may reveal that this type of driver values time over safety.

The third type of driver is one that sometimes follows the rules of the road, but sometimes does not. Most people fall into this category of driver. These drivers may generally follow the speed limit, but they may not always use their turning signal when turning. It is difficult to assess what this type of driving reveals about the driver.

In this essay I have categorized drivers according to three types of driving behavior. First, there were drivers that always follow the rules of the road. Second, there were drivers that generally do not follow the rules of the road. And third, there were drivers that sometimes do follow the rules, and sometimes do not. The driving behavior associated with each of these types reveals the motivations and values of drivers.

Persuasive Essay on Driving Styles and Personality

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