Life Coach Magazine

Persistence: The Toddler's Theory

By Lifestreasury
Persistence: The Toddler's Theory
I have a baby nephew and I must say, I am learning a whole lot from him. And one of these amazing characters I have learnt from him is persistence.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” Maya Angelou
Toddlers in their very beautiful look and beautiful heart as well tend to teach us little things we do not know but we can only learn this if we take out time to understand we can learn from everyone around us and even the toddlers are not left out. I learnt a life transforming lesson from my nephew.
I noticed my nephew tends to get all he wants literally with one amazing technique. Those that know babies very well, know that they would not stop crying until they get what they want and even if you try to give them something else they would throw it away. I wonder how they know what is and what is not? But if you give them something similar to want they want they can settle for that.
This has actually been the character of my nephew who is a year and nine months old,  but I never really put any meaning into it, until the night it was just himself and I and he needed to get a cup, he kept crying and crying, I actually could not give him that cup because it was a glass cup, I tried giving him a plastic plate, he threw it away, I tried giving him a spoon and he did same, still crying hard, I later picked up a rubber cup and gave him instead of the glass cup and immediately there was this ultimate silence.
This automatically made my brains run fast to the zeal of persistence. And I started asking myself a few questions.
- How much hard do we try in achieving our goals?:  More often than not we just test the surface of a situation and if it seems like we cannot get what we want we back off, but my nephew taught me that sometimes you just have to keep beating that drum, it might not be successful at the first try, may be people do not even understand what you want and maybe they have not even heard you ask. So do not give up on your dreams after the first try, keeping trying till they notice what you have to offer.
The tears and the consistent beating of the drum makes us appreciate our achievement.
- How well have we settled for anything,  just because we did not get what we actually wanted?: The ability to know what you want is the  first step to great achievement.
A number of people tend to settle for anything because they feel, after they have tried so hard even if they cannot get what they want, let them "manage" the little they have, that's quite worrisome.
If you put in so much effort to keep crying and beating the drum and finally you get to be heard and you decide to "manage" why then did you start?
Be certain on what you want and do not rest until you have achieved that.
The saying nothing good comes easy is relative to the fact that without persistence you can settle for anything but with persistence you should aim for nothing but the best.I would love to hear from you in the comment section below, how has persistence helped you and what do you see as hindrances when it comes to achieving your goals.

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