Politics Magazine

Paul Goble is CIA

Posted on the 26 September 2014 by Calvinthedog

Here is his ridiculous, idiotic blog. It is called Window on Eurasia but really it is all about Russia. And Russia-hating. On Goble’s blog, every day in Russia, the sky is always falling. Collapse is always right around the corner. And Mr. Putin’s evil regime is doing its evil deeds for the day.

Mr. Goble is Agency. He’s been CIA forever. Right now, he’s an old man who walks with a cane, and I think he’s more CIA than he’s ever been. I wonder if he ever wasn’t CIA. I am starting to think that when he popped out of his Mom’s womb, he was already an asset, a wailing babe in toddling but an asset nonetheless.

Let us look at his CV:

Goble served as special adviser on Soviet nationality issues and Baltic affairs to Secretary of State James Baker. Under George Bush Sr.. The State Department and the Agency are the same thing. You think all those “diplomats” working out of consulates around the world are really diplomats? Come on. We see here that Goble is an old Cold Warrior.

Director of Research and Publications, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy. Azerbaijan is the US’ base in Eurasia. It is a gigantic land based aircraft carrier for the United States and Israel.

University of Tartu (Estonia), former Professor. There are hardly any bigger Nazis and Russia-haters on Earth than the Balts. So of course CIA Paul took a teaching position at Nazi U.

Voice of America, Senior Advisor to the Director. VOA is CIA. Has been from Day One. It is also pure propaganda. The sad fact when the USSR was around, it was always a contest to see who was lying more, the VOA or the Soviet press. It was often a close contest. Personally, I think Pravda was a lot more honest than VOA, but that’s just me. VOA, a project of the Cold War, was never shut down, and it still broadcasts hate propaganda against the Russian people to this very day. The is no reason for its existence anymore, but Frankensteins are hard to kill after you make one.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Assistant Director for Broadcasting and Director of Communications. RFE/RL is another CIA operation. The Agency set it up and has been running it from Day One. There is no reason for this stupid Cold War dinosaur to exist anymore, but there it is, stomping along just like Jurassic Park. RFE/RL is an extremely dishonest media organ. It exists for the sole purpose of disinformation, lying and propaganda. The Russian media is far more honest and less propagandistic, and that is sorry right there. The Russian media has a reputation, earned or not, as being extremely dishonest and propagandistic. Any media outlet with a more dishonest rep than the Russian media is truly pitiful.


Special Advisor on Soviet Nationality Problems, U.S. Department of State. In other words a CIA (excuse me, State Department, no wait, they are the same thing) project to stir up trouble in all of the USSR’s ethnic minorities in order to cause chaos, dysfunction, violence and hopefully the breakup of the state. Stirring up shit for no good reason. By the way, the USSR treated its minorities way better than we do.

Deputy Director, Research Department, Radio Liberty. Radio Liberty is another stupid Cold War relic that lost its reason to exist, oh, about 20 years ago. It stumbles on to this very day, spewing hate and incitement at the Russian people. Just like its brethren, this explicitly propagandistic radio station was birthed by the Agency.

Analyst on Soviet Nationalities, Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Central Intelligence Agency. Ah yes! Here we get to the red meat. Mr. Goble is a CIA agent! Is, was, always will be. Because the thing is, you see, is that there is no such thing as ex-CIA. Once you are CIA, you are always CIA. That’s how it works. Sort of like the Hotel California, where you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave?


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