Community Magazine


By Rubytuesday
Today is Thursday 25 of AugustWhich means tonight is my staff partyEvery yearTowards the end of the seasonThey head out for a well deserved treatLast year they went to the racesBut this year we are going to, wait for it.......Bingo!!Yes Bingo!Why on earth are you going to Bingo I hear you ask WellThe two house keepers at work are avid Bingo fans And this is their last year working before they retire So we decided to do something that they would enjoy We are meeting in a pub this evening at 7pm Then after a couple of drinks We are heading to Bingo for 8pmThey will most likely go back to the pub afterwards I am both really looking forward to tonight And dreading it in equal measuresObviously I won't be drinking And I have been thinking about how I'm going to manage that In realityI don't need to explain myself to anyone But I know I am going to be asked what I want to drink And I'll just be asking for a soft drink Really it's no ones business whether I drink or not All I need to say is that I don't drinkPeriod
I'm getting my hair done at 3pmI'm getting some braids on one hAlf of my head And I'm going to wear a sleeveless shirt with jeans and some smart trainers For me Comfort is the priority I spent too many years Trying to be someone I wasn't And let me tell you That is utterly exhausting and soul destroying Thank the Lord that I don't have to do that any more Any way Look I will go And do my best to have a good time 
So I better run I will post tomorrow to let you know how it went And of course to share some photos with you....That is a givenOkTalk soon And see you on the next post....

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