Destinations Magazine

Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream Edition

By Livingthedreamrtw @livingdreamrtw
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionWe've been nominated this week to participate in Tripbase's 7 Links Project by our friends over at Off Track Backpacking!
The goal of the project that has been sweeping the blog universe in the last few weeks is to unite bloggers in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.
So the following is a list of our 7 blog posts for each of the main categories:
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionYour Most Beautiful Post - "Finally Finding Paradise in Koh Lipe, Thailand"
I cannot think of anything that defines beauty more than Koh Lipe, Thailand; and anyone who sees me talk on Facebook or Twitter knows of my love of this tiny Thai island right on the border of Malaysia on the west coast.  Some may consider Koh Lipe to be over crowded, but relative to neighboring islands of Koh Phi Phi and Phuket, it is paradise (although it is becoming over developed by the day).  The pictures really speak for themselves on this one.
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionYour Most Popular Post - "Travel Souvenirs Collection Part 2: Shot Glasses"
Picking our most popular post is probably the most difficult one of the 7 topics as defining "popular" is a bit difficult on our minds.  One of our favorites that come to mind is about my habit of shot glass collecting a photo essay showing off each one from the 34 countries I've been to (We presently have 33/34 countries in our collection - seeking Macao!).  The reason we like this one as our favorite popular post is the discussion that you all brought to tell us what you collect on the road, where we were surprised to find many others are also shot glass collectors!  Check it out and let us know what you collect on the road!
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionYour Most Controversial Post - "Traveler's Quest to Visit Every Country Begs the Question, Why?"
One day in 2009 I came across an article about a traveler who quested to visit every country in the world and was almost done.  Thats great, except for the fact that he only spends 3 days in the capital city, stays in expensive hotels, and only eats fast food and McDonalds as it is safe.  It is our most controversial post because I was explicitly questioning whether or not this is the right kind of travel we should be pursuing and getting great feedback from many of you as to what you thought of the situation. (Photo Credit: Twin Cities Pioneer Press)
Your Most Helpful Post - "RTW Planning Guide: What You Need to Know"
I'm taking a bit of a pass on this one and saying that our most helpful post is our RTW Planning Guide that highlights many of our posts on all topics of travel from before, during, and after travel that we documented to help you plan.  Since it is a resource of all of our best planning topics, you can see why we call it our most helpful post.  The best part is that as we write articles to long-term planning the list will be updated near continuously and is even being transformed into a hard-copy book of similar nature in the near future!  Check back soon for more of that and read into our planning posts before heading out on your next trip.
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionA Post Whose Success Surprised You - "A New Game for Travel Bloggers: Travel Photography Roulette!"
I won't lie, creating a viral sensation in the posting universe is rough.  So when I created Photo Roulette in November 2010 I wasn't expecting much.  Now almost 10 months later and 22 rounds and counting, we've seen over 500 photo entries in an array of impressive categories.  Some rounds get more and others get less in the terms of entries, but the game is fun and bragging rights is something all of us bloggers want.   Check out the hash tag #photoroulette on Twitter to see who is hosting the current round!
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionA Post You Feel Didn't Get The Attention You Deserve - "Top 10 Murphy's Laws of Backpacking"
One of my personal favorite posts recently was my Top 10 Murphy's Laws of Backpacking that I developed after traveling for 5 months in Asia. A few oddities would come up time and time again and I published them to great feedback with many of you submitting additional Murphy's Laws that you've experienced while on the road.  Unfortunately sharing, stumbles, and all of that fell a bit flat.  So if you are feeling a bit generous help give that post a boost; or at the very least comment and let us know your Murphy's Laws!
Our 7 Favorite Links - Living the Dream EditionThe Post You're Most Proud Of - "World's Shortest Overland Travel Time from Hong Kong to Hanoi"
I am most proud of my experience traveling from Hong Kong to Hanoi in just over 24 hours, which I captured how to do it in this post.  The reason I am so proud of this is because the alternative method typically takes twice as long and costs nearly double!  Although this method is published throughout the internet, it is not highly utilized and I felt very happy that I could test out a path that is little used and report that it is a great choice.
That is our Top 7 Posts for the promotion!  Hopefully you've found some new posts you havent read before and enjoyed checking them out as much as we enjoyed writing about it.  Please comment and share our posts if you found any ones you like!
To pass the ball along, we are supposed to invite more bloggers to participate.  Our choices are:
Freedonia Post
Over Yonderlust
Art of Backpaking
In the next week or two check back with them and see their take on this great concept!

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