Entertainment Magazine

Operation Repo - Texas Sheriff Sucks

Posted on the 05 May 2012 by Nikki @KCBlogger78
Terrible cops exist everywhere. My next few posts are going to focused completely on this sheriff from Texas who clearly unfit to be a sheriff. I can see his behavior effecting his judgment one day and costing him his career, his life or someone else's life. My first impression of was, "oh wow this is the kinda cop that plants evidence at scenes and frames people". I was blown away by his demeanor and attitude.
Here is a clip where Froy is in jail in Texas & Matt comes to see him & find out what is going on. It is at the end of the video when the Sheriff, from hell, makes is unpleasant appearance. He and Matt shake hands and to their greeting thing. Now clearly Matt is trying to be polite and nice, he even took off his hat! The next thing that comes out of this sheriff's mouth is a comment about the camera crew being with Matt and in the Sheriff, from hells, police station. He is clearly not happy they are there, let a lone with cameras too! 
My next couple posts will reflect my opinion of why this TERRIBLE Sheriff didn't like the camera's Matt & Froy have with them for the show.
Hum could it be cause now the whole world will see how much his position & power has gone to his head! Whoever this mans boss is or the Governor of where ever this crazy man is, should really take a second look at his employment as a Sheriff. He has Corrupt Written all over his Ora!!!

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By tbirdt
posted on 08 May at 18:01
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This asshole sheriff from Texas should be charged with abuse of power. I hope all law officers of Texas aren't like this prick...He needs to be brought up on charges and fired....

By fuckpigs
posted on 08 May at 07:18
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I've never wanted to punch a cop so bad. If I were there I would have ended up in jail. Such a scum bag. I really would love to write a letter to that idiot if he can actually read. He's related to everyone in that town because they're all a bunch of inbred ignorant fuck holes.

By Ericsinfo
posted on 08 May at 03:34
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Bad Cop ! Needs his Texas Peace Officers License taken away from him. D.P.S. should have been called for abuse of authority,and arrested him right there