Debate Magazine

Obama’s Amnesty: Illegals to Take Over America by Creating “a Country Within a Country”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

On Feb. 26, 2015, Sue Payne of WCBM, Baltimore, MD, was interviewed by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin. Payne is the co-host of WCBM’s Pat McDonough Radio Show.

Unbeknown to Obama, Payne had been invited to listen in on three conference phone calls of the 16 members of Obama’s cabinet. The calls were about Obama’s executive amnesty to illegal aliens in this country.

parasite bursts out of human

Obama is committing treason.

His executive amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is more than amnesty. Obama’s plan is to use these 13 to 15 MILLIONS of illegals, most of them from Central America, especially Mexico, to create — in the words of his Task Force on New Americans — “a country within a country.”

Obama’s plan is to implant these millions of “immigrants” parasites — the word is “seedlings” — into innocent, unaware “receiving communities” across the United States. Those parasites will be nurtured with food, medical care, credit cards, no-interest loans, and Social Security — all provided by innocent, unaware taxpayer dupes. Then, when the parasites become mature, they will “emerge from the shadows” and take over and supplant the “receiving communities”. (All words between quotation marks are the words of Obama’s Task Force on New Americans.)

This is the movie plot of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, except it’s not a movie. This is real — a Real and Present Danger to the United States.

Here is the audio of Sue Payne’s interview with Mark Levin, followed by my transcript of the interview.

Levin: Sue, we don’t have a lot of time, so go ahead and summarize what took place in that call.

Payne: Well, what took place on the calls was there was the Task Force on New Americans which Obama established on November 21 when he went to Las Vegas. The media said he was signing an executive order for [the deportation of] 5 million illegal aliens to become deferred. In reality, what he did was sign a memorandum that created the Task Force on New Americans, which was going to be implement amnesty now for the 5 million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that mark I think he [Obama] was planning. And on this conference call, it became clear that he’s looking at 13 to 15 million to give protection and move them on to [U.S.] citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16, each of the members of his cabinet. So there was 16 representatives there. And Cecilia Munoz was on the first [conference] call. And they began to talk —

Levin: Hold on now. And she [Munoz] is a top adviser to the president on this, and the former senior official with…La Raza. Go right ahead.

Cecilia Munoz

Cecilia Munoz

Note: Cecilia Munoz, a former senior official of the racist La Raza (“The Race”), is director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. See “La Raza: Racist Hispanic group funded by taxpayers“.

Payne: Yeah, and she’s chairing this Task Force. And so…what became clear is that once these illegals “come out of the shadows” so to speak, their communities that they’re living in now are going to be re-designated as “receiving communities.” And what this Task Force is designed to do is to create a welcoming feeling among these “receiving communities” to bring in these immigrants, to bring them out in the open, but the “receiving communities” will then soon morph into what was established — an emerging immigrant community. And to do that, what they said was that we need to start looking at the immigrant as a seedling. And for the seedling to grow, the seedling needs to be in fertile soil, and the fertile soil —

Levin: Alright, let’s hold on. We got the seedling, the fertile soil in these new communities. Good lord, this sounds like Plato’s Republic. It sounds like Marxism. It sounds like Mao’s China. Don’t hang up, Sue, we’ll be right back. [music]

Levin: So Sue, we have these special little communities and seedlings and fertilizer and then what?

Payne: Well, eventually the seedlings will take over the host, and the immigrants who come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings is they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows, they would be taking over the country. In fact, one of the members of the Task Force actually said that we would be developing “a country within a country.” There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to me, that [“a country within a country”] was one of the them. One was from the White House spokesman that immigrants need to be aware of the benefits they are “entitled” to, which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama was going to pardon, give amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating — they would “navigate,” not assimilate and go into —

Levin: Now, stop there, that’s very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating, but “navigating.” And you know, Sue, this is, this plays into what Obama was saying, and erh, I’d played a clip of that, erh, again, he’s not talking about assimilation either. He’s actually talking about, almost, he doesn’t use the word, about conquering. Did you get that impression?

Payne: Oh yes, especially when it became very clear the “receiving communities” would be morphing into the “emergent immigrant communities.” And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing. One was that as soon as this decision was pushed through, these immigrants needed to be treated as refugees. They need to be given cash, they need medical care, they need credit — they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need, and also they need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans with taxpayer dollars so they [illegals] can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

Levin: This is amazing. What amazes me, Sue, is how this is progressed, how advanced this strategy is. Obviously this has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible! I mean, uh, if you haven’t been in on this phone call, we wouldn’t even know about this!

Payne: No, you wouldn’t. It was a series of three [conference] calls. And Mark, also they said there was going to be a great deal of older immigrants in this batch, and that we needed to make sure that the “receiving communities” knew that the older or elderly unskilled can contribute to these “receiving communities,” and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”…and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so that they can “age successfully” within “their country within a country.”

Levin: This is, this is unbelievable what’s going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House, without any authority, without the knowledge of the American people. I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government. I feel like we are the ones in the shadows. I feel like we are the ones being cut out of the information flow. Like I said, this is no republic. I don’t know what the hell this is.

The interview ended with Levin asking Payne if her information is posted anywhere. She said no.

Well, here’s the information! Right here in this transcript that I took of what Sue Payne said about this undemocratic unAmerican Task Force of the treasonous, terrifying Obama White House.

Spread the word!

Disseminate this transcript far and wide via email and social media. And call and email your useless representatives in Congress.

Do this! If not for yourself, then for your children and grandchildren.

H/t Susan Duclos of Wake Up Americans and FOTM’s maziel

See also:

  • Obama emergency order to restart amnesty in defiance of federal judge Hanen
  • Most Hispanics favor gun control, a Democrat-controlled Congress, and Hillary as president
  • 70% of Americans oppose amnesty for illegals
  • Illegal Immigration and the Reconquest of America’s Southwest
  • Collusion of Church & State in Invasion of Illegals: $182M to house “unaccompanied children” for just 4 months
  • ACORN CEO Calls for Immigration Race War
  • California Teacher Calls For Chicano Race Revolution
  • Mexican Illegals Vow They’ll Keep Coming
  • The Truth About Mexico’s Immigration Policy


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