Entertainment Magazine

notloB Music Joins Mass-Creative as a Member Organization

Posted on the 21 May 2015 by Notlobmusic @notlobmusic
In response to its recent solicitation...


You know that arts, culture, and creativity make Massachusetts a great to place to live, work, play, and visit. EvenThe Boston Globe declared “arts are not merely an add-on – a luxury, but an essential component of the state’s quality of life.”
Thanks to the 300+ organizational members and 20,000+ supporters that make up the MASSCreative community, together we’ve elevated the role that arts and culture play in building vibrant and connected communities across Massachusetts.
Please consider joining MASSCreative as a member organization.When you join 300+ other arts and cultural institutions as a member organization of MASSCreative, you help us strengthen our work to bring more resources to the arts and cultural community. Let’s work together to:
  • Increase public funding for artists and cultural organizations. You made your voices heard at the State House when last year’s state budget passed with a $1 million increase in state investment in the arts and cultural community. And this year, we are one step away from boosting funding for the arts by another $2 million. 
  • Ensure all kids have access to quality arts education. Let’s make sure our children can learn the creative and innovation skills they need to thrive. Let’s push the Board of Higher Education to make arts education a requirement for admission to the state university system. 
  • Preserve cultural spaces and revitalize our downtowns. Let's make sure artists have places to create, train and perform by convincing Gov. Baker to keep annual investment in the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund at $15 million.
  • Elevate the role that arts and culture play in Boston. Let’s make sure our biggest city develops a bold Cultural Plan and Boston’s new Cabinet-level Chief of Arts and Culture has the public backing to get the job done. 
Please join MASSCreative as a member organization TODAY.
Thanks for all your support and keep up the great work,

Matt Wilson, MASSCreative
http://www.mass-creative.org/P.S. Please join as a member organization by June 30 to help us meet our end of the fiscal year goals.

...believing in its mission and past good works, notloB Music has become a Mass-Creative member organization. If you are an individual artist or a creative entrepreneur or are associated with a larger arts organization, we urge you to doing the same.
notloB Music Joins Mass-Creative as a Member Organization

Founded in 2007, notloB Music has presented close to 200 folk, old-time, blue grass, string band and Celtic concerts in unique venues throughout the greater Boston area.

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notloB Music Joins Mass-Creative as a Member Organization

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