Fashion Magazine

New Year’s Resolutions: You Make Plans and God Laughs

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

New Year’s Resolutions: You Make Plans and God LaughsAfter a bit of a rest, I am back. I hope you had a great holiday season. In addition to it being the new year, today is my birthday. I am 41. Aside from the well-known downsides that come with having a birthday around the holidays, like getting gifts wrapped in Christmas paper, getting one present for both your birthday and Christmas, and practically having to beg people to celebrate one week longer after they're completely partied out, it's pretty cool to start the new year with a new age. Everything feels so squeaky clean and fresh.

Regarding turning 41, it's too early to have any real feelings about it. One stark contrast between this year and last is that 40 was ushered in with some much excitement because it's such a milestone age. 41 is just...41. It just is what it is. Plus my birthday is on a Monday. How meh is that? However, I quite like being in my 40's. So far, so good. Although I don't like the fact that it seems my hair is starting to gray in a pattern that resembles Pauly Walnuts from The Sopranos.

Unfortunately, during the holiday season my husband and I both got horrible colds. With both of us planning on taking time off between Christmas and New Year's, I suggested that he and I actually take a few days to really enjoy the city we live in, which most New Yorkers are way too busy to usually do. However, between my mom's relapse of her horrible cold on Christmas (and our spending several hours in a car traveling to my sister's), and, Avery, my youngest niece's, 103 degree fever that day, we had a feeling our time off would be spent primarily on the couch. Thank God for the Walking Dead and Breaking Bad marathons on AMC. This was not the plan.

The holidays were still great, despite sickness. My older niece got her first cell phone and we have since been texting each other constantly with stuff like this. I mean, even if you are a pile of snot on the couch, how can this not make you happy?

You make plans and God laughs

One of my favorite quotes is: "You make plans and God laughs." As we start a fresh year with a bunch of new year's resolutions I think this quote is a great one to keep in the back of our minds. As I described in my past week recap above, despite having plans to use my time off one way, it went how it went, and I can still say that I enjoyed my time off immensely. Goals are good, resolutions are good, but it is important to remember that, all too often, life gets in the way. This does not mean that you abandon all that you set out to accomplish, but to realize that the journey will never go as envisioned, it rarely does. The only thing you can control is who you will be and how you will deal with what comes your way on your road to accomplishment.

So, as we start this new year together with you as a reader of my blog, just remember that this year won't be perfect, you will have just as many setbacks as you will triumphs, that things will get in the way, be terribly inconvenient and will probably make your resolutions and goals seem impossible. Just focus on being the best you, learn to laugh and not take it all so seriously. You may not get to the finish line by December 31st, 2015, but you will certainly have a much more enjoyable ride.

Speaking of resolutions, I just wrote a post for on how to use accessories to accomplish them. Remember, it all starts with you, and if you can at least feel like the person you want to be through what you wear, you've taken on much of the battle.

New Year’s Resolutions: You Make Plans and God Laughs
Okay, 2015, here we go!

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