Lifestyle Magazine

New Sponsor Welcome: Fiona Campbell London

By Claire

*For a more accu­rate count, see Fiona’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page!

Wedding photography by Fiona Campbell (1)

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by Fiona Campbell

Lon­don and des­ti­na­tion wed­ding photographer

Fiona is based in Lon­don but — as you might have guessed — loves to travel to pho­to­graph wed­dings. Since 2006 Fiona has pho­tographed many dif­fer­ent kinds of wed­ding, from a bou­tique civil cer­e­mony at the Gherkin to a sump­tu­ous wed­ding in a villa near Rome!

Fiona’s also a lovely lady — her emails make me smile; she gen­uinely cares about her clients and has a real pas­sion for wed­dings and beau­ti­ful photography.

Do visit Fiona’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page to find out more about my lat­est spon­sor. Fiona — wel­come. I’m so pleased to have you as a part of the Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case!

Claire x

Wedding photography by Fiona Campbell (2)

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by Fiona Campbell

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