Art & Design Magazine

New Look Brabbles & Boggitt, Or Old Look; You Decide

By Karl @cartoonistdiary
New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decideTo be brutally honest with you, I've been in an almost 365 day 'quandary' session, and it's been driving me insane. It has been almost a year since I finished the first Brabbles & Boggitt tale and nearly a year since I was supposed to start the new one; in fact it's been almost that long that I've been promising you, me and a few Amazon that I will be putting it together and publishing the thing; yet still I have not.
Why? I hear you ask (I have very good hearing). Simple. The first tale was written in a standard comic book format where as the second is being produced in a Sunday strip format, and I quite like it.
So I can either, re draw the first tale, then publish, restart the second tale to fit with the first or hang it all and have the first book forever at size odds with what comes after.
So in my usual manner---and after a year of mental wall blocks---I'm going to throw it to you to decide what you prefer the best, and to help you I have republished three sample pages from the first tale and below it the first three pages of the new story with its Sunday strip format.
Please leave a comment or email me if you prefer, either way PLEAEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSEEEEE help me out of this fix so I can move on with my life...
First 3 random pages from Brabbles & Boggitt, book 1...
Page44New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decide Page 45
New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decide Page 46
New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decide

...and now for the second book and the Sunday page format.Page 1

New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decide
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New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decide
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New look Brabbles & Boggitt, or old look; you decideLike I say, your input is most welcome so please do give it...
Thank you.

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