Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Missing: My Motivation

By Zenparenting1 @ZenParenting1

Missing: My Motivation

No, no, I don't.

I've been searching for it for weeks, probably months.  It must be around here somewhere.  I simply cannot find my motivation to blog.  I'm feeling like there's nothing I haven't already said and no new way to say it  Besides that, Facebook's distribution of my stuff is just asinine, so I get discouraged even when my motivation does drop by for a brief visit. Oh, my word, I'm grossing myself out just writing this, so I'll move onto the purpose for this written whine.  
I have been waiting for my motivation to reappear, but have come to the realization that it's just not going to happen that way.  Instead, I almost have to fake it until I make it.  So, I turned to online writing challenges for inspiration.  This is what I've decided on and, hopefully, just hopefully, it'll give me the kick in the butt I've been needing.  
The 30 Day Writing Challenge
Day 1: List 10 things that make you really happyDay 2: Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgotDay 3: What are your top three pet peeves?Day 4: Write about someone who inspires youDay 5: List five places you want to visitDay 6: List five ways to win your heartDay 7: List 10 songs that you're loving right nowDay 8: With what do you struggle?Day 9: Words of wisdom that speak to youDay 10: Something about which you feel stronglyDay 11: Something you always think "What if..." aboutDay 12: Five privileges you enjoyDay 13: What currently excites you?Day 14: Movies you never tire of watchingDay 15: Bullet-point your whole dayDay 16: Something you missDay 17: 30 little-known facts about yourselfDay 18: Your first loveDay 19: Celebrity crushesDay 20: Three lessons you want your child to learn from you?Day 21: Put your music on shuffle and post the first 10 songsDay 22: What you want to say to five peopleDay 23: Lesson you learned the hard wayDay 24: Area of your life in which you'd like to improveDay 25: What's going right in life right now?Day 26: Five things that make you laugh out loudDay 27: The one that got awayDay 28: Your familyDay 29: Goals for the next 30 daysDay 30: Highs and lows for the next month
As I write each day, I'll insert the link to each blog post above.  Come back regularly to see how it's shaping up.  Wish me luck!
(Inspired by Adventures of a Bibliophile.)

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