Self Expression Magazine

Men and Women as One...

By Atulsharmasharma

Men and Women as one...God Zeus was afraid of the strength of the men and women who at the start of the creation were one being. Yes it is true at the start of our world men and women were created as one.
They were just one human being glued back to back with one another. Thus they possessed four legs, four arms and two sets of sex organs.
This being of the start required no one for any purpose. They were a complete set. They could talk, walk, love, avoid hardships and live life on their own. This just made the gods jealous of the freedom of their own creations.
So Zeus cut this creature into two with a lighting blot. And hence you can see that now we have two separate beings called men and women.
And now every man and woman is in search of its seperated pair whole life of their life. Fortunate are those who find their set early and unfortunate are those who have to search for their seperated part whole life.
Thus it is a case of square peg fitting in a square board only.

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