Culture Magazine

Mass Murder in the USA… Descending Further into the Abyss

By Benjaminkanarek @bkanarekblog
Gratuitous Murder in the USA

Gratuitous Murder in the USA

Well here goes. A short and succinct rant from yours truly. Regarding the newest spate of mass murders; whether it is was the one inside a Charleston Church or the dozens of others around the country, I am fed up with the Violence in the US of A regardless of whether it is race related or just gratuitous. The violence in America dwarfs what we here in Europe, Canada and Asia experience. America needs to nurture its children into a more civil human model. But of course that won’t happen, as you need crazies to fight the ongoing wars around the world and to continue perpetrating them to keep the big industrial war machine business going.

Mass Murder in the USA

Mass Murder in the USA

Oh and lets not forget the corporate run private prisons. The USA has the highest prison rate in the world…period! Ah, that seem to be quite the coincidence. It’s time that the US of A takes care of its own business before forcing its concept of what democracy is on others. Democracy in the USA is a misnomer. It is a sham, a parody of a once wonderful concept that has been replaced by a brutal militaristic state. Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword.

As a caveat, the 21-year-old man accused of killing nine people as they worshiped at  Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina has a criminal past. Dylann Roof was arrested twice this year and images of him posted to social media definitively show a racist ideology.

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