Diet & Weight Magazine

Marathon Update: The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

By Danceswithfat @danceswithfat

Today I thought I’d do a pictorial representation of my second marathon journey so far.  Obviously this is just me, your mileage may vary!

Immediately after your first marathon, when everyone and their mother asks you when you’re going to do your next marathon:

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

Then you decide to do another marathon:

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

You start to research. Which marathon?  Which training program? 

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

Immediately before your first training run for your next marathon

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

Ten minutes into your first training run for your next marathon:

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

When you realize you have another year of this:

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

When you remember what it’s like to finish a marathon and get your medal

Marathon Update:  The Stages of Training for a Second Marathon

That’s it so far, I still have another 8 months to go and it’s been difficult to deal with training while I’ve been traveling the last couple weeks (and I know that there’s plenty more of that coming.  I do less speaking in the summer, but in the fall I go back to my regular schedule which is super awesome because I love speaking, and I’ll have to train while doing tons of travel.)  I’m still feeling good about getting to the marathon and reaching my goals!

Days until Marathon:  253
Current Level of Confidence:  9
Fun I’m having on a 1-10 scale:  7

Want to learn more about fat activism within athletics or fat activism in general?  Great! There’s a panel about that in the Fat Activism Conference!  Three days, 38 amazing speakers, teleconference style so that you can listen from wherever you are by phone or computer, and downloads of the workshops so that you can listen live, or on your own time. Only $39 bucks with a pay-what-you-can option to make it affordable for everyone!  Check it out!

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Here’s more cool stuff:

My Book:  Fat:  The Owner’s Manual  The E-Book is Name Your Own Price! Click here for details

Dance Classes:  Buy the Dance Class DVDs or download individual classes – Every Body Dance Now! Click here for details 

If you are uncomfortable with my selling things on this site, you are invited to check out this post

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