
Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding

Posted on the 28 October 2013 by Mirjana Gjorevska
Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding
Every woman isnaturally beautiful, but there are alwayslittle tricksthat helptohide thedeficienciesor tohighlightdetailson her face.Individual approach tobeautyis the bestway to achieveperfect results, resultthatevery womanaspires. There is no singleformula, rules orparameterswhichmust be strictly observed.
  It is important that you choose the right powder,according to skin type and facial features.  Before applying powder on the face, apply a moisturizer and wait until it soaks into the dermis (skin). Corrector should always be with a lighter shade than powder,and with them you cover up flaws. With green corrector you will cover redness of the skin , and with yellow dark and deep circles below your eyes.Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding
  Corrector should be applied in very small quantities and only in those places that you want to hide. Pinkish corrector is for camouflage , and he turns into white. After the correction is applied put liquid powder, the one that best suits your skin type. Make sure that the color of powders is not so different from the color of your skin at the neckline .
 The powder is applied from the forehead , cheekbones , nose , chin to the neck . If you apply it with your fingers , try to evenly apply light pressure and still pulling from the middle of the forehead to the temples. It is important to divide the face into two parts , from the center to outwards . Be sure to go through your neck also , but without the additional application of powder.
Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding
  What was left of surplus on the face, it gives you enough to apply to the neck and a bit on the neckline. In order to properly select a shade of powder do not try it on your wrist. It is a common mistake, the skin on the hand is not the same color as the one on your face. Best is to apply the powder on your jaw to make sure that it is a shade that matches your neck and face . When you achieve the effect shades that after applying is blended with the color of your skin , then you can be sure it's the right choice .
  A little trick when applying powder is also a cosmetic sponge . With it, you will more accurately and more easily and evenly apply liquid powder. It is important to first wet the sponge and squeeze , then put the powder on the face and use a sponge. Please note, after you've applied the powder is there any skin reaction at the front zone, nose , jaw and chin.
  Your face has to look nice from all angles of mirrors without strict lines. If you notice that your face is too blinking , feel free to place a loose powder in very small quantities . This way you will achieve a matting effect. It may be loose powder that is great for lasting finish or stone powder that is applied with a sponge . Excess of powder brush from your face , and it is best to do with a clean natural bristle brush .

   Tip: How can you do perfecteyemakeup
Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding
  The first thingwenotice onthe faceare the eyes, so every woman wants tohighlight andaccentuate hereyes. Here are a fewtipshow tomake upyour eyes, whichtechniquessuits tothe specific format of your eyes.

Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding  If you havesmall eyes, then for youarebrightshades ofeyeshadowandshimmeringshades.Useeyelinerwith gray orbrown colorthatwillbe appliedto the externalparts of theeyelid.Whiteeyelinerusefor theinner part ofthe eyelidto visuallyenlargethe eyes.Applymascarato theupper and lower eyelids.
  If you havelarge eyesthenthe best match for you are thematteeyeshadowcolors. Be careful not toexceedtheuppereyelid, ornot to usea number of differentshades.Use the penon the upper eyelid, and the same kind ofdark penuseon the inside ofthe lower eyelid. Applymascaraonly onthe upper eyelids.
  Ifyour eyes aretoo close together,then use multipleshades ofeye shadows, firstapply alighter shadeon theinneredge of the lidandunder the brow, and to the outerparts of theeyelidapplydarkershade. Mascaraandeyelinerare appliedonly to theouter half ofthe eyelid.
Backedeyesneed onlyto be rounded witheyelinerandapply mascaraonupper and lowerlashes.Avoiddarkshades.
  If you haveblue eyes, the bestshades arethoseof warmer colorslikepink and brown. Forbrown eyes the bestare gold andgreen shades. Forgreen eyesusepurpleandlavenderor the colorof coffeefora natural look.Makeup, Little Tricks - Highlighting and Hiding  To alleyecolorsfitgray, blackandchocolate brown, but should be carefulwith theapplication method.

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