Business Magazine

Make a Power Move

By 2centsricher

This morning while checking my Twitter feed I came across this video.

As I was watching, one of the first things that came to my mind was “I wonder how much flack this kid got from his classmates and friends?” Then, the video ended. I saw the result. And I reflected on what he did. I think there is a big lesson that can be drawn out.

In our personal lives and in business, we sometimes need to make a power move. On some occasions, something audacious and risky needs to be done in order to achieve the objective we are seeking. This young man had an objective: getting the girl he wanted to accept his invitation to the prom. With that in mind and with the help of his friends, he concocted a plan that involved doing something bold, unique and unexpected. He did something different, something that made him stand out from the crowd. He took the calculated risk of being ridiculed by his classmates, or even worse, being rejected in front of them. The stakes were high but it was worth it. Here comes the most important part: he went for it. Happily for him, his plan worked and, from what I can see, the girl was thrilled to accept his invitation. He may, or may not, have received flack from others, but does it really matter? At the end of the day he got the girl! He accomplished his goal.

Your objectives don’t have to be exclusively romantic. Is there a job you want? Do you have a client who is playing hard to get? Do you want to be the president of your Rotary Club? Whatever your objective is, and regardless of how difficult achievement may seem, sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone, take a risk and make a power move.

Go get’em tiger.

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