Fitness Magazine

Low Glycemic Raw Snack Bars Recipe

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jun 11, 2011 by

Low Glycemic Recipe

I tried making these bars for the first time today, I came up with the recipe while driving. It’s amazing how with just a few ingredients and absolutely no cooking involved, you can make such delicious snack.
This recipe is Low Glycemic and it tastes better then a candy bar, plus it’s good for you.


1. Dried Apricots 8 oz

Low Glycemic Recipe

2. Raw Cacao Powder 2 table spoons( I wrote about Raw Cacao in one of my earlier posts, it is a true Superfood. You will not need to take an antioxidant supplement if you are adding Raw Cacao to your daily nutrition )

Low Glycemic Recipe

3. Almond Butter 6 oz ( Crunchy

, Almonds are the most nutritious nuts )

Low Glycemic Recipe

Chop dried apricots into tiny pieces, as little as you can make it. Like This:

Low Glycemic Recipe

Then combine the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Make it into bars, refrigerate for one hour.
Done! Quick, Nutritious, Low Glycemic and delicious.

You don’t have to be on a Diet to be in great shape. It is all about knowing your food not counting calories!

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