Fashion Magazine

Looking Back at 2011...

By Ellisinfashionland @E_INFASHIONLAND

Looking back at 2011...Looking back at 2011...Looking back at 2011...Looking back at 2011...Looking back at 2011...Looking back at 2011...
Dear readers,
First of all, I wish you all a happy 2012!! May all of your wishes come true this year. Enjoy this new year with your family , friends and of course If you find him of her already:  your true LOVE.
Fashion is a lifestyle, It's a way to express yourself. Wear whatever suits you, you can be fashionable in every way...I hope that I've expressed myself a little bit with my blog, and shown you fashionable, yet affordable ways to dress yourself. I don't wear the most luxurious brands in the world (still dreaming of the Celine boston bag) but in the end I don't think that's the most important thing when it comes to fashion. You have to make it work, and I know for sure you can also rock it in a 20 dollar Forever 21 skinny jeans with a 40 dollar Zara tee on it. Without a doubt!
Besides starting my blog in 2011 it's also been a good year for me. I started my dream job at Ralph Lauren, met a lot of new people and had a fantastic time at NY city and Ibiza with my BF. I will cherish my family, friends and love. Because in the end these people are what matters in life...
For me this new year means new oppurtunities when it comes to blogging. My goals are to be bigger and better!  I wish for more visitors, better photoshoots and to be a bigger inspiration for all of you.... I will do my best to make this wish come true in 2012 (besides that a little bit healthier lifestyle ain't a bad goal as well)
What are your plans for this year? And what is you favorite look of 2011 when you look at above pictures?Let me know, love to hear your opinion!
See you all in 2012 ;-)

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