Life Coach Magazine

Long Lasting Love

By Rusty @russellpurkiss

Long Lasting Love!Gosh, I think we all feel the need to be loved and would like for our passion and love to live on for eternity!  We would hope that others would just accept us for who we are and love us despite our weaknesses and failures!  The question is, do we do as would like others might do to us?  Or do expect others  to do unto us, even though we do not do so ourselves.

We tend to have a high standard of expectation towards others, but tend to forget that the road to get there is a two-way road and not one way only!  I have heard it said many times over how wonderful a dog is, man’s best friend!  You can forget to feed him, he loves you the same, you can correct him for something harshly, he loves you the same.   Humans can be so much more critical and judgmental and have very long memories.  You make a wrong step with another human being and boom you are literally in the dog house, and not for just the day!

Love is an interesting thing, we all want it unconditionally but we deal it out with many conditions!  But is this how we really believe and expect to get it back? Of course not!  So, in order to have real, long-lasting love, we need to abide by the same rule book we hold over the heads of those we pretend it from!  Let’s name a few of these points.

1) Forgiveness, do we seek to forgive those who have wronged us?  Do we take the time to talk things over and attempt to understand how they may have strayed, shared our hearts together to see how we can avoid this from ever happening again in the future?  It is important to learn the importance of forgiveness, after all, we are all imperfect and fail and most unfortunately need to be forgiven ourselves for the many blunder that we make as well.  No one is perfect, not even you, believe it or not!

2) Patience.  Do you have the necessary patience to put up with certain things that bother you about your other half?  Do they snore at night, leave their laundry on the floor, discard a dish or cup without cleaning it.  Do they take forever to get in the car when you are late for an appointment, so they wait for the very last-minute to complete a task.  Are you able to bear with this weakness, and express your loving concern for their lacks, even if this means repeating it almost daily…in love?

3) Humility. Are you able to humble yourself when you know that you have transgressed in any of the above mentioned “transgressions” and have you asked for forgiveness?  Saying that you are sorry for your past or present mistakes can break down many barriers!  Try to take the “lower seat” in an argument, you will be amazed at what love and trust you will gain!

The road to long-lasting love is…well…long!  So you need to understand that it will take a lot of work.  It is not something that you just snap your fingers and it happens or rub a lamp and a Genie will appear with a magic solution.  It takes that horrible four letter word called w.o.r.k.! Yep, and effort, but one that is well worth it and so rewarding!  It is all too easy to just give up, and sad to say that is what so many tend to do.  Well, if it is not going my way then forget it!  How selfish!  The road to success is one of great sacrifice!  Everything that is worth anything cost something!

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