Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Live A Better Life. Replacing Negative With Positive.

By Zen_sheila @BeZensational

I have worked very hard over the last few years to become a positive person.  I have learned to appreciate every thing around me.  I am able to take in and process every aspect of life, and I enjoy unleashing my positive energy on everyone I am in contact with.  I have also Live A Better Life.  Replacing Negative With Positive.learned to stop and enjoy life.  Whether it’s the big puffy clouds in the summer sky or the twinkling stars on a cool winter night; the peaks and valleys in the bark of a tree, or the melody of laughter filling the air.  In fact, the whole reason I wrote “Booyah! Spirit” in the first place, was to celebrate what I learned, and let everyone else know how to get there.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not all happy and positive every second of the day!  That would be creepy.  And unhealthy!   In fact, just last week I had a pity party for myself – complete with a a pound of cashews and a big giant candy bar, a bunch of balloons and party hats.  (Well, I didn’t really have balloons and hats, lol)  The difference between me NOW and the me years ago is that back in the day I would have held a thought or a feeling or something that bothered me – for a longggg time.  I would have coddled that negative energy.  I would have taken it shopping, let it hang around in the kitchen while I cooked, brought it to birthday parties, and held hands with it every moment of every day.  Yes, negative energy and I were best friends!

Eventually, I began to realize that I was hanging out with Negative Energy way too much.  It was beginning to become a bad influence on me, and I noticed that it was bringing other Negative Energy around too.  Pretty soon I noticed myself being drained, tired, stressed and unhappy.  It became abundantly clear that I needed to drop this friend and drop him fast.

I learned how to **detach, which simply stated means I learned to let myself experience my feeling, thought, or emotion – and then let it go. (of course, there is a process to learn this – see below **) I also learned how to deal with people who pushed my buttons, and I learned how to forgive (which is a huge part of moving past the negative things in life.  I talked about this in a previous post titled Forgiveness. A Powerful Release.  Making the transition from thinking negative to thinking positive is not at all as hard as one might think.  I can assure you in my case I was a person who pretty much lived according to Murphy’s Law;  I always waited for the other shoe to drop.  The point is no matter how “stuck” you are, you can always turn your attitude around and begin to understand and appreciate life – all life – in a completely new, exciting, and positive way.  In doing so you are able to be a stronger person and in turn have stronger relationships with other people in your life.

(**Smashwords has a certain percentage of my book Booyah! Spirit on a free preview, and the steps to learn how to detach are included in that!)

Live A Better Life.  Replacing Negative With Positive.

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