Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Listening To My Inner Voice

By Boisse

Not the voice you hear while reading; but, the voice in your head that may tell you what to do and not to do, the voice you use to guide your decisions — can sometimes go unheard. As being open-minded and hearing what others have to say helps us develop knowledge and better perspective for improved relations — the same goes for listening to our “inner” voice!

At times we may be too distracted or tense and forget to give our inner voice the attention it deserves. As with any failure to communicate effectively, a contradiction can occur. And, a conflict within is one we ought to strive to avoid.

Now, listen in a little more and hear from yourself… and be comfortable acting in accordance with your values and sound judgment. Your inner voice is a resource that may remind you of important things, and it’s a powerful instrument you can further develop.

In your own way, you can easily discover things about yourself that may have been overlooked. I dedicated a chapter to internal dialog in my book, Free Mind Free Body, to illustrate the many ways in which your voice can empower you. What’s your inner voice going to say right when you act after here?

– D. R. Boisse

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