Fashion Magazine

Lifestyle: Preserving Memories*

By Ninegrandstudent

For a few years now I’ve been meaning to sit down and go through the several thousand images on my laptop, printing off the best, the most important, the most memory-provoking. Of course more important tasks always got priority, and I never did it. I sorely regretted that when my laptop died before university – I’m still working out a way to get it to stay on long enough to copy them over to a memory stick. The photos I do have left unsurprisingly still didn’t get printed, until a few weeks ago.

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I was offered money towards products of my choice from Cartridge Discount, which I promptly put towards ink cartridges for my printer. The printer we have at home is a pretty good one, not only can it do double-sided printing on its own (wonderful for printing exam papers – I can just leave it to it and not waste tonnes of trees paper) but it also has a separate little section for photos. This means I can print out photo-sized images without having to trim them myself, and there’s no messing around trying to size the image either. The quality is pretty damn good too, I was quite pleased my work paid off as I have some lovely images to put into albums, frames, and make into presents…

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I printed out some of holidays and scenery. I was amazed at how clear some of my photos from Switzerland (I holidayed there in 2012) printed out. Obviously I had to print some of my Edinburgh Zoo photos too!

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My ever-so cute dog had to make an appearance. I actually think I printed more photos of him than anything else!

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Then there’s my pictures from university. My house organised a BBQ to celebrate end of exams, and we got some lovely pictures. It’s great I can know put them in an album knowing I won’t accidentally delete them!

And finally there’s the obligatory couple pictures! I’ve put this little arrangement together to show how much we have both changed since the beginning of our relationship – him more so than me! They also show how my boyfriend now cannot pull a nice face when presented with a camera lens…

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I’ve loved having physical copies of my photos – I’ve been showing them to everyone I’ve seen since I printed them! I can’t wait to buy some more pretty frames and albums and begin putting them together.

What do you do with your photos? 


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