Politics Magazine

Letter to My Critics Regarding Donations, Expertise, Etc.

Posted on the 24 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

Jimmy Conway: This blog is very informative, and Robert is very good at what he does in terms of digging into the crime. I see his name mentioned on other sites as well. That means that people are reading this blog.

However, I think that readers get immediately turned off by Robert’s continual requests for money. Some of the comments I have seen elsewhere have ridiculed Robert unfairly because of it.

I realize that this is Robert’s only source of income at this time and the loyal following is keeping him afloat, but just as many people refuse to take what he says seriously because of the money issue…so instead of asking new members to donate why not create a pinned post at the top of each page topic indicating that this is his only source of income, perhaps with a Paypal link so people can easily donate that way.

It’s not my only source of income. I have a trust fund, but it is only a very small check every month. It started out at $700,000, but they dole it out bit by bit, so it seems like a lot less. It’s close to a poverty level wage. I have been getting it since 18 and it is a spendthrift trust, so I cannot touch it. It’s all up to the trustees. They control the whole pile.

With a pinned post at the top, too many people will see that and just leave and not even see the latest posts.

Once you donate, I never bug you again. And all Delphi commenters are exempt from normal rules that all regular commenters must donate minimum $10 to keep commenting. I never bother people repeatedly for money. I ask you once. If you don’t donate, fine. If you want me to not bug you, just give me minimum $10 bucks or so, and I will never pester you again. Easy peasy.

They can ridicule me all they want. Apparently they believe in working for free. Ask them if they work for free. Ask them if they go to their jobs and refuse the money the boss offers, instead saying they would rather work for free. Ask them if they run their own business, and if so, if they refuse to make money off their business, instead opting to work for free.

Ask them if it’s ok for me to ridicule them for asking their boss to pay them for their work. That’s what they are doing for me. Am I the only worker who is supposed to work for free while everyone else is paid for their labor?

I do not ask all new posters for money. Some of them I do, but that is selective. If you start emailing me, you will get hit up.

I do some work outside of this site, but that has dried up at the moment. I worked my whole life, but became ill 21 years ago and have not worked full-time since. I tried to work for a while after I got sick, but I was going to kill myself in order to keep working. It was work and die or quit work and live, so I quit.

I cannot work full-time for a stranger. I might be able to work casual jobs for a friend or family on very flexible hours.

Indeed I do have degrees and credentials as my critics ridicule me for having, but they are pretty useless at the moment.

I worked my whole life before this and have held a lot of interesting positions: teacher, paralegal, magazine editor, freelance writer, book author, linguist, psychological counselor, web page designer, and a lot of lower level working class jobs.

If I did not have the trust fund, I would have to try for disability.

The thing is that of all the mentions of this site outside of this blog, at least 95%+ of them are negative. I almost never see one positive comment about this site on any outside link. All remarks on Topix are negative. All remarks on Reddit are negative. Well, they can all just fuck right off.

This is by far the highest traffic site on the Net for this crime. This site was recently quoted in the MSM on the matter of this crime. The editor of the very high traffic site interviewed me on the phone and then quoted me in her article. I also recently had an offer to go on a TV show about this crime.

They can make fun of me and hate me all they want. Are they getting offers to go on TV and talk about this crime as experts? Are they being interviewed by large media outlets as experts for stories about this crime? They are not. Not one of them is. They call me a loser.

Sounds like sour grapes.

I have the biggest website on this crime.

I am the only Net writer who gets TV offers to go on as an expert on this crime.

I am the only net writer who gets interviewed and quoted as an expert on this crime.

I’m the success. They’re the failures.

I’m the winner. They’re the losers.

And I do work with LE on this crime. I have worked with two detectives so far. I call them, and they call me.

What do I do for them? Give them tips about the crime, same as everyone else does.

I also write up reports for them about suspects. I wrote up a 15 page report on one POI, and they took it seriously and fact checked the whole thing. Last I heard they said he was a suspect, and they wanted to talk to him.

I just called in two more tips today and in the last 36 hours, and I will probably talk to someone tomorrow.

Let them laugh and make fun of me all they want. You can’t compromise success.

I’m winning; they’re losing.

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