Lifestyle Magazine

Last-Minute Wedding Day Stress Relief Tips

By Weddingblog2011

If your wedding day is fast approaching, it’s likely you’re experiencing some pre-wedding stress. To relax and enjoy the final moments leading up to your big day, use these last-minute wedding day stress relief tips.

Every bride can use a few last-minute wedding day stress relief tips. No matter how small your wedding or how well you’ve planned and organized the event, last-minute, pre-wedding stress creeps up in one way or another. Since it’s so important to get a good night’s sleep before the wedding in order to feel rested, managing last-minute wedding day stress is a must. Either you manage it, or it manages you!

Use the following last-minute wedding day stress relief tips:

Crank up the music—One surefire way to blow off some steam is to crank up your favorite tunes on the radio and rock out. Dance, jump around, and get some exercise. Just let loose and get lost in the music. Whether you enjoy your loud music in the car, on your iPod at the gym, or in the comfort of your own home, cranking up the volume can help you de-stress before the wedding day.

Get those endorphins pumping—Speaking of exorcise, another great way to relieve last-minute wedding day stress is to get out and get active. Even if exorcise is already a part of your daily routine, consider adding an additional fifteen minutes to your routine the night before the wedding or go for an early morning jog on the day of the event. This is a guaranteed way to burn off that excess stress.

Embrace your inner beach bum—While loud music and some exorcise can provide great outlets for stress relief, a quiet, relaxing environment can also help you burn off that stress and bring your blood pressure down. Embrace your inner beach bum for a weekend and spend some time by yourself in the sand with a good book and a healthy dose of sunscreen. If you don’t live near a beach, head to a nearby lake or waterfront area instead. This is one of the best last-minute wedding day stress relief tips for the stressed out bride.

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By Anne Roos
posted on 21 September at 11:55

I love how you suggest utilizing music to help relieve wedding-day stress.