Politics Magazine

Is the Internet Fostering a Culture of Hatred, Abuse, Insults, Attacks and Sociopathy?

Posted on the 17 October 2017 by Calvinthedog

There are all sorts of maniacs running around the Web who seem to be there only to cause havoc and destruction. And a lot of ordinary people are much more insulting and vicious on the Net than they would be in Meatspace. Many seem to think it is normal to savagely abuse someone and if  you take offense, there is something wrong with you. It’s as if vicious insults are the New Normal.

It seems like the destroyers do not have jobs. They just post on troll sites all day and dedicate themselves to trolling and destroying people and sites. Apparently they have nothing better to do. I find all the hate and haters on the Internet to be very unnerving. There is something about the Web that fosters oceans of hate and legions of haters. I believe it is the anonymity and the fact that you can be as mean and destructive as you wish with no consequences.

Apparently when you get rid of consequences for behavior, a large percentage of the population turns mean, vicious, destructive, destructive and some degree of sociopathic.

My opinion of the human race is taking another huge plunge.

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