Religion Magazine

Is Lipa Banned Or Not?

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

A few years ago there was an attempt to put some sort of ban or boycott on Lipa and many other frum singers. The claim was due to these performing in front of mixed crowds.
(as an aside, Mishpacha recently criticized frum people being seen at a Chutzt Hayotzer concert that was before a mixed crowd and it mentioned  that this prohibition is clear in Shulchan Aruch, though it did not give any reference. The only thing I know about Shulchan Aruch requiring a halachic separation between men and women is during tefilla, prayer. Any other situation can surely be debated on the merits of tzniyus and gender-segregation, but to say it is a violation of a clear halacha irks me).
you can look back to 3 years ago when Lipa was banned and even see that Rav Chaim Kanievsky is signed on a supposed ban.
Yet, Bechadrei is reporting that Lipa went to Rav Chaim Kanievsky for a bracha. He then offered to sing a song for Rav Kanievsky, but Rav Kanievsky turned him down saying learning torah is more important. Lipa then asked about composing a new song, and Rav Kanievsky told him to compose a song about shmitta - any topic of shmitta, but shmitta.
So, did Rav Chaim Kanievsky ban Lipa or not? Was he banned but the ban was lifted or did it expire? Or was the original a fraud?
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