Family Magazine

Is It Time for an Upgrade?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum
Sony PSP 1000 Body1 Is it Time for an Upgrade?

English: A North American Sony PSP-1000 handheld video game console. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Over the next few months there will be a bundle of new technology that comes out to entice not only the little ones in your life, but the big kids too. Chances are you have heard about the new Xbox coming out, or the latest PlayStation. But when there is so much technology around the house sitting doing nothing, is it time to upgrade?

Something that I always do is look at what isn’t being used anymore.

Things you should be looking at selling now to still make some value should be consoles that are still bought in the current market. This means sell the Nintendo Wii, sell Nintendo DS and even look at selling the original PSP. All these consoles will still sell for a reasonable amount of money and will help fund the latest purchases.

Get your little ones to be patient,

The Xbox or PlayStation when it is released will have a premium for being a brand new console. If you wait until Christmas the chances are the prices will be around the same but you will get added extras, like games, controllers etc so it is well worth making them wait, plus means more presents to wrap up!

Trade in old consoles in exchange for new ones.

Not always the best “Value for money” based on the amount you will have spent on the old consoles and the games to go with it, but it does mean you won’t have two consoles in the house, and you can do it as soon as the new Xbox or Playstation is out. Especially useful as when the new “Toy” is in the house the old one won’t get touched, plus I always find it teaches the children that they have to give up something in order to get something else.

What do you do with your old technology and when do you think it is time to upgrade?

This post is sponsored by Music Magpie, where you can sell old consoles in exchange for cash.

 Is it Time for an Upgrade?

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