Diet & Weight Magazine

Is Gary Taubes Vindicated?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Is Gary Taubes Vindicated?

Gary Taubes, one of the true pioneers of LCHF and best-selling author of Good Calories, Bad Calories, was publically ridiculed in 2002 for writing that obesity isn't about a caloric imbalance, and that fat is not dangerous.

Fourteen years later, Taubes is still somewhat of a heretic. However, slowly but surely, at least some of his ideas are entering the mainstream. Has Taubes even become vindicated? Here's a new and interesting article on the topic by the man himself, about his experiences:

The Vindicated: 'Nutrition Heretic' Gary Taubes on the Long Road Back From a Big, Fat Public Shaming

To insist that obesity is caused by consuming too many calories is as inane as it would be to say that poverty, for instance, is caused by earning too little money. It confuses a description with an explanation and is [a] profoundly inexcusable error.

- Gary Taubes

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