Books Magazine

Interview with S.B. Niccum

By Readingromances

Interview with S.B. Niccum

When did your love for books start? Who are your favorite authors?

It started when I was a teenager and just moved to the U.S. I didn’t have many friends or much to do, so I read a lot! Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen and Agatha Christie

It’s incredible how you can bring so much emotion to your writing. Could you describe how was the writing process?

A lot of the emotions that they felt seemed to come at me on their own. It was odd actually, from the start of the story they came to life at me and I couldn’t seem to write fast enough. As far as the writing process, I had so many ideas that I didn’t want to lose, so I would outline them with some key words that I knew would remind me of the feeling later. I outlined many chapters this way, then when inspiration hit me, I wrote them out in detail. Then like a puzzle I put them all in order and re-edited to make sure the story tied together. This is how Veiled came out. It’s been different for LIVING SOUL, I had the whole thing outlined before I finished VEILED, so in a way, I had to write their lives before I could finish their pre-mortal life.

How did you feel when it was done?

I was very proud of myself. It seemed impossible and I think that several people didn’t think I could do it. …or get it published! But I did! So…ha, ha!

Interview with S.B. Niccum

Now since this is a romance blog, we all want to know: how the relationship between Alex and Tess will develop during Living Soul?

…Well, Tess is a foster child who shops at thrift stores and Alex the most popular guy in school–with a girlfriend. She has a crush on him, but so does the rest of the female student body, so why should he even notice her? And why does he consume her every thought? …Maybe it’s the dreams…

What’s your favorite scene with them?

I love how patient Alex is with Tess. She is a little bit insecure and immature, so she has to do some soul searching…. Alex hopes that she’ll come around and actually waits…thousands of earth years for her! What a guy!

Are you worried about writing the scenes where they’ll die?

Death is part of life. Just another scene of this journey. One of my main purposes for this series is to show how as one stage ends, another begins! And I also believe that there are worse things than death. …so no. I’m not worried.

Interview with S.B. Niccum
After they go back to heaven, will they remember the times back when they were souls (before “living”)?

That is actually a very good question. I haven’t written this yet, but I think that there will come a time where they will remember ALL. It’ll be torturous as well as helpful.

When you pictured the characters in your mind, could you relate them physically to anyone famous or anyone you know?

Not for Tess, and I looked. I saw her in my head, but I can’t think of anyone famous that looks like her, or at least has her goodness. It would have to be a Latina and I haven’t found one yet. I’ll take suggestions! For Alex I thought of Channing Tatum.

What are most excited about writing for the third book?

The research is my favorite part. It inspires me and fuels my imagination. I’m also looking forward to inventing a whole new world! Purgatory, Paradise, Hell! Cool stuff!

Thank you for your time!

Thanks for having me!!!

PS: I just announced that through my website I am now selling autographed copies of Veiled with no additional shipping costs if mailed inside the U.S.!


by S.B. Niccum

April 5th 2011 by TreasureLine Publishing

I have always existed, not just me but all of us, the un-embodied spirits who wait to live.”

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