Current Magazine

In Case You Were Planning A Yard Sale In Today’s Blizzard, Here’s Another Reason Not To Have One!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Reuters reports that a baseball card purchased for $100 at a Maine yard sale sold for $92,000 at an auction.

Specifically, the “card” was an 1865 photo of the Brooklyn Atlantics baseball team.

Which is just another reason to never hold a yard sale for all you condo dwellers out there!

3 Worse Things To Sell At A Yard Sale For $100

1. One of your kidneys. (The one processing the hundred dollar bills you accidentally blended into a smoothie.)

2. 92,000 one dollar coins dated 1865.

3. Your yard. (makes it difficult to have future yard sales selling items for 0.108 percent of their value)

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