Health Magazine

Igniting the Hidden Fire of Demand for Understandable Scientific Evidence

Posted on the 24 November 2014 by Soumyadeepb

Igniting the hidden fire of demand for understandable scientific evidenceOriginally posted on Nordic-EBM:

And now for something completely different.

tlhIl Segh ‘oH qulSo”e’. laSvarghmeyDaq Du’meyDaq che’ronmeyDaq je lo’lu’. Hotchugh nuv, DIrDaj raghmoHlaH qulSo’ ‘ej nuv HeghmoHlaH QIHvam. pIjHa’ nuv QIH qulSo’, ‘ach QIHDI’ Qobqu’ ‘ej ‘oy’qu’moH.

qaStaHvIS poH nI’ ropyaHDaq ratlhnIS SIDpu’ law’.

nuv’e’ QIHpu’bogh qulSo’ Qorghlu’meH, motlh SutDaj tuQmoHHa’lu’ ‘ej DIr rIQ Say’moHlu’meH bIQ taS na’ joq lo’lu’. qulSo’ ‘ay’mey leghlaHchu’meH Qel, rut chalqut ngat lo’. ‘ach SuQqu’ ngatvam ‘ej porgh ‘elchugh SID HeghmoHlaH.

ghItlhvamvaD chalqut ngat lo’ luchovmeH Qul tamey’e’ DInejta’. cha’ tamey lI’ DISamta’ ‘ej DInuDta’. chorghmaH chorgh SIDpu’ ghu’mey chovta’ ghItlhwI’pu’. SIDpu’ QIHpu’ qulSo’ ‘ej ‘opvaD chalqut ngat lo’lu’ta’ ‘ach latlhpu’vaD lo’lu’pu’be’. SID ghu’ Dubbe’law’ chalqut ngat ‘e’ wItu’ ‘ej lo’lu’be’ ‘e’ luchup tameyvam qonwI’pu’.

SIDpu’ QIHpu’bogh qulSo’ luQorghlu’meH lI’bogh latlh Qul tamey’e’, pagh wISamta’.

That’s clear, right? No? Well yes OK. I can’t read it either. But please bear with me for a moment.

We’ll come back to…

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