Food & Drink Magazine

I'm Still Here + Juicing Habit

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet
winter, juicing, healthy, ©, ©Aldy Moyla Photography
© , all season juice, vegetable fruit juice
In seed time learn, 
in harvest teach, 
in winter enjoy. William Blake
It's wonderful to finally have a chance to sit, relax and say hello again. I'm still here.But things are changing around our little family. Much has happened in our lives, something that took me {us} by surprise! And hopefully I will be able to tell you more about it soon.
It's winter season here and days have been cold with plenty of rain. But yesterday morning the lovely sun came out, only for a brief while as the clouds slowly swept over it. The morning sunshine called for a vibrant, fresh vegetable- fruit juice. And if you remember I've written about my start with vegetable and fruit juicing here {less fruit juicing more vegetable juicing} For instance, this particular juice recipe contains most vegetables than fruits. It tastes delightful, it has the right sweetness and its very rich in flavor. A real blending of nutrients that can be enjoyed at any season. This is our favorite juice to drink in the morning, and every time we drink it, we noticed a difference in our energy levels. It gives you the perfect boost to start out the day!
Enjoy your week! I'll be back soon. In the meantime, I will leave you with this vibrant, flavorful juice recipe and some winter inspired photographs that I've been taking during this season.
get healthy, ©, more vegetables less sugar © , ©Aldyth Moyla Photography Winter Season ©
All Season Juice -------------------------------------------------- Serves 2
4 Celery Stalks {including the leaves}
1 Medium cucumber {peeled}
2 Cups Parsley
2 Cups Spinach leaves
1-2 Medium Lemon {peeled}
2  Medium Green Apples {peeled and cut into wedges}
1 Piece of Ginger
1 Large Beet {scrubbed, peeled and cut into wedges}


In a juicer, start by adding green vegetables first, then add the lemon, apples, ginger and finally the beetroot.Stir and serve.
Wnter, juice, healthy, energy, fresh juice recipe, vegetables juicing © , ©Aldy Moyla Photography.
Enjoy the season!

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