Gardening Magazine

I’m Back!

By Sophiecussen

After a blogging hiatus that has lasted for about 9 months, I have decided I can't stand it any longer. I've missed blogging.

For over two years this blog kept me focused, accountable and interactive. Now, without posting every week I have discovered that I have lost a sense of writing and while reams and reams of personal blogging in my journal is useful there is a lot of stuff I've done since last August that I've thought - "Oh I could share that", or "this would be good to get opinion on". Blogging is the only platform that allows enough room to articulate and throws it to a much wider audience.

Blogging is the only platform that allows enough room to articulate and throws it out to a much wider audience for confabbing and sharing.

Worst of all - I've missed interacting and sharing what other bloggers are up to.

Ultimately non-blogging is much, much worse than any fears I ever had about my ability to blog. My biggest concern about blogging was a dilemma. While most of my life strives for living the simple life, I didn't want to fill up anyone else's life with grey and useless noise. Now I realise that people will only read and follow anything I write if it's useful to them. I shall endeavour never to write anything that wastes people's time. If it's important to me I'll share it, otherwise, I'll leave it alone.

Now I realise that people will only read and follow anything I write if it's useful to them. I shall endeavour never to write anything that wastes people's time. If it's important to me I'll share it, otherwise, I'll leave it alone.

New Blog

Forget-me-Not Cultivation grew and diversified. It was a personal development blog and a place to share my more creative endeavours. It contained more technical details on soil structure alongside my walks in the park with my dog. I wanted to share everything, at the fast rate I was growing and developing new skills. Now I've had time to ponder all this blog was, I'm now at the place I think I know where it needs to be.

So I'm saying a positive farewell to this blog and moving on to a new one. I'm doing that for one reason - a new blog that will be much more focused.

Thank you to everyone that followed this blog. Your support and kind comments were a constant inspiration and another real reason why I missed blogging. I'd love it if you could move with me (but I'll understand, of course, if you have moved on as well).

Take a gander and let me know what you think. I'm might be going out on a limb here, but I don't think you're going to be disappointed. Ready?

Here we go:

Please find a link to my new blog - Adventures in Green Living.

As always - keep growing


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