Gardening Magazine

How You Can Live a Seasonal Life

By Sophiecussen

I've got a treat for you today. While I'm away I'm handing over the blog space to a fantastic Lincolnshire blogger who shares values very close to my heart. Living in harmony with nature, embracing slow living and enjoying creativity in your life.

Thank you to Creative Countryside for writing this blog. Share the love readers :-)


When Sophie very kindly asked if I'd be interested in guest posting for this space, I knew immediately what I wanted to write about: simple, seasonal living is my passion, and I love to share it over on my blog, Creative Countryside. But what actually is it? What does it mean to live a seasonal life?

First and foremost, it's a life connected to and inspired by nature and the world around us. In modern society it is so easy to lose sight of anything beyond our doorways, and as much as it would be lovely to quit those hectic jobs and get rid of the stresses that life throws at us, sometimes this just isn't an option.

Instead, it's the small pleasures that we must focus on and rejoice in: the early morning wake-up call of the dawn chorus; tasting the first strawberry in June; and celebrating the growth of new life.

How You Can Live a Seasonal Life

Living by the seasons is about taking time and care to notice the delicate changes in your environment and adjusting the way you live in response, and don't worry - these changes don't have to be monumental, and should in fact simplify your life rather than create any further pressures. I know that many of you will be gardeners already, passionate about growing your own veg and floral displays, and for those of you in this bracket, you're already half way there. Using the earth's resources to fuel our bodies from our backyards is a great starting point for this way of life, and if you already grow your own, you'll know that eating 'fork to fork' in a matter of moments is the best way to assure flavourful, organic produce.

If you're yet to venture into this domain, start slowly with a seed tray of lettuce on your windowsill or in a pot on your patio or balcony. Choose a cut and come again variety and you'll be self-sufficient in salad leaves in no time at all, reducing your reliance on plastic packaging and salads full of pesticides in just one simple step.

If you're still not convinced, then making sure you eat seasonably is another important and easy decision you can make on your path to a simple, seasonal life. There's a reason asparagus is stringy and tasteless in November: it's not supposed to grow then. Pumping fruit and veg with chemicals just to satisfy our whims is surely an unhealthy approach to food? A better choice would be to support your local farmers and shops (in turn boosting the local economy) and buy what's growing in your local area. I've created a short guide - especially for readers of The Forget-Me-Not Cultivation Blog - on what's in season each month; just click here if you're interested, and why not stick it to your fridge as a reminder?

How You Can Live a Seasonal Life

Next up is using the seasons to inspire other areas of your life too. If you're a creative, then try finding year- round inspiration in the natural world and choose crafts that integrate designs and materials of the season.

Bringing nature into the home is another simple way of re-focusing on the bigger picture, and can be as simple as picking a posy of wild flowers or as creative as a seasonal wreath. Go further still and use nature to inspire your creative skill, whether that be writing, photography, weaving or sewing, the seasons can really inspire the creation of unique and personal outcomes. If this sounds like your sort of thing then I've just released a free guide to seasonal creativity for subscribers to my monthly letters; head over here if you're looking for some inspiration.

Finally, seasonal living recaptures the essence of traditional rituals and returns to the ethos of celebration.

Noting the summer and winter solstice is a good place to start, as they remind us of the changes in the year and the light. If you're already following the earlier tips in this article, then making merry at harvest time will come naturally as you pick and preserve your final crops for the colder months ahead. While many assume that all celebrations in our calendar are based solely on Christian traditions (and don't get me wrong, many are), many are actually based on pagan rituals and living in alignment with the land. If you'd like to find out more, I highly recommend The English Year by Steve Roud; a fascinating guide that takes you month-by- month, day-by-day, through all the festivities of English life.

How You Can Live a Seasonal Life

A quick roundup

Seasonal living is not about rewinding time and living in the past - as many believe - but rather making life choices that reduce the chaos of modern life and allow nature to once again infiltrate your being.

How to live seasonally:

  • Grow your own fruit and veg.
  • Eat produce that's in season (get the easy reference guide here).
  • Use nature to inspire your creative acts.
  • Celebrate tradition rituals and events.

What do you think? Will you be taking steps to live a seasonal life?


That's a great post. Hope you enjoyed it too. See you next week.

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