TV & Video Magazine

How to Make Season 4 Not Suck

Posted on the 21 June 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

True Blood Season 4 poster-redAccording to Adam Wright from, there are six key points our fave show, HBO‘s True Blood, should focus on in order to NOT suck this season:

Bring back “Season One” Tara.

Poor Tara, she’s had a rough few seasons hasn’t she? She went from the quick-witted best friend who we loved to see give people a good tongue-lashing, to a mind-controlled puppet in Season Two, and a frightened victim who pretty much breaks down in Season Three.

We have to agree.  Although Rutina did an incredible job and the role was intense, Tara is the human female role model in this show. We need someone to stand up and be proud for us!

More Jessica!

There’s no one on the show more underutilized than Deborah Ann Woll who plays Jessica. Last season she was pretty much wasted in a break-up storyline that lead to them getting back together. Oh, and she has to deal with crazy Mama Hoyt.

We here at LOVE us some Jessica too! What a talented actress Deborah is and that Jessica and Hoyt love story is all that gets us through some of the horrible things that happen on True Blood!

Focus on the core.

Sookie, Bill, and Eric. They are the core of the series.

The problem with Season Three (again) was that there were too many storylines that took away from the core. agrees with this sentiment too. The question is, how do they focus on all the great actors and characters we love and still focus on the core? I sure wouldn’t want to see less of Sam or Lafayette! And we’re looking forward to more Joe Manganiello too. But in our hearts, the Sookie and Bill love story was what made us want to watch this show, over and over and over. We understand the story line is going to evolve. But we hope not to see a pathetic, sad Bill moping around. Maybe Evil Bill will be enough for Bill lovers. Time will tell.

And before you Eric lovers get on us, we appreciate a tall blond Viking now and then too. Pam and Eric are some of the greatest sexy, scary comedy out there. In fact, we’re excited to hear we’ll be seeing more of Pam this season. Can’t wait!

Maybe the answer is we don’t need a lot of new characters any more. We realize the season is almost in the can, but we don’t see how True Blood can add even more characters next year and still do the characters we love justice. In the books is one thing, there were hundreds of pages to deal with all the charcters, but there’s only 12 episodes per year of True Blood, hardly enough time to tell a decent story as it is. That’s just our two cents.

Be sure to pop over to TVDoneWright for the rest of his great analysis! He’s got more to say and it’s interesting and insightful. And just remember, the wait is almost over!

Source: TVDoneWright – True Blood – 6 Ways to Make Season 4 NOT Suck

(Image credit: HBO, Inc.)

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