Diaries Magazine

How To Make Chicken Stock And Not Call It "Bone Broth," Ever

By Chelseajmartin
How To Make Chicken Stock And Not Call It "Bone Broth," Ever :

Importantly, stock also is—or will be when you prepare it in your own kitchen, instead of making reservations to help some craven, toque-wearing shithead use it to pay off his goddamn condo—cheap as hell. That’s the whole idea! Stock, like so many other slow-cooking techniques, originated as a way for very hungry people to wring some nutrition and flavor out of whatever sad, nigh-inedible shit—leftover bones and joints, fibrous vegetation, fragrant twigs, etc.—happened to be around. People who could choose, say, going and getting something else to eat over waiting for hours to see if a pot of hot water with a bunch of gnarled bones in it might magically transform into nutritive sustenance would never have come up with stock. The people who did invent it could not make some other choice, because they were poor. Stock is poor-people food. This is no small reason why the jerks currently selling.

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