Self Expression Magazine

How to Create a Horror Cult Film in 35 Yrs - Not Yet a Cult Film

By Myfilmproject09

How to create a horror cult film in 35 yrs - Not yet a cult film
Still not yet a cult film even though there's a few cult-like comments and these. If you've noticed something about Ghostkeeper here  it's this:
It's a snow film!
But this Great Britain version of Ghostkeeper has a creature unlike anything I made and also no palm trees and pyramids. 
But it's getting closer to being cultish (is that a real word?). 
By this time though there are more reviews and a "5" on a scale of 10. Not great but not under 5. You take what you get I guess. By now there have been reviews from real reviewers rather than your next-door neighbor or dog.
And we're getting closer. This Spanish version of Ghostkeeper appears from again, some unknown source who didn't have to pay me for showing my movie.
How to create a horror cult film in 35 yrs - Not yet a cult film
 Now we're talking. By the way, if anyone wants posters that you've seen I would be happy to send you one, although cost for this one is around $18 and postage, and I don't make a penny except going to Staples on my own gas.
And we're getting closer to being a real Horror Cult Film. There are more comments, both good and bad but "still rated 5 out of 10" and I'm still happy with that too, again. Here's a stack of good reviews. You can find the bad ones on your time
How to create a horror cult film in 35 yrs - Not yet a cult film
 Monday: DVD and the Trash Palace

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