Celeb Magazine

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

By Covethercloset @covethercloset

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Clean makeup brushes apply product much more consistently.  In order to maintain your valuable makeup brushes, you should clean them every 1-2 weeks depending upon a variety of factors including:

  • How often you wear makeup
  • How heavily your makeup brushes are used
  • What kinds of makeup you use

If you wear quite a bit of makeup on a daily basis, you wear foundation or you use a single brush for several types of makeup. (For example, some people use one brush for their foundation, powder and blush)  I would think you should try to clean your brushes more often.

Supplies you need:

  • Clean towel
  • Cup
  • Warm water
  • Makeup brush cleanser or shampoo (I would recommend using the clearest natural ingredient shampoo you can find)

With respect to the makeup cleanser or shampoo, I have found that the shampoo works just as well as the pricier brush cleanser you can buy at Sephora or similar stores.

To properly clean your makeup brushes follow the 7 easy steps below:

1. Start by rinsing each brush under warm water

2. Squeeze a small amount of cleanser or shampoo into the cup

3. Fill the cup half full with hot water

4. Swirl makeup brushes in cup with some force until the water becomes very cloudy with makeup from the brushes

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the water is clear or nearly clear

6. Pat the brushes dry by laying them on a towel and folding it over the brushes and pressing down gently

7. Set the brushes to dry overnight on the towel

Clean your brushes as often as you can and you will protect your investment.

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