Family Magazine

How Much Should A Baby Sleep?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


386999 3821011316097 1543844656 n How Much Should A Baby Sleep?

Thanks To Jade For The Image


I remember being afraid when one of my own babies seemed to sleep for most of the day. Why were they sleeping so much? Were they unwell? Were they getting enough milk inside them?

I would deliberately try to wake them up to change and feed them, lazy little things are babies and looking back I was very lucky that I had babies that did sleep, but the burning question on a new mums lips is how much should a baby sleep?

It is important to remember that babies need sleep and most, unlike mine will wake every 3-4 hours for a feed.

How Much Should A Baby Sleep?

A newborn will sleep 16 hours

One month will sleep 15 hours

Two months will sleep 15 hours

Three months will sleep  15hrs

Six months will sleep 14hrs

Nine months will sleep  14hrs

12 months will sleep 13hrs

(The above is an average after some research)

Once your baby is 12 weeks you will notice that your baby is starting to sleep for longer periods of time, a well-deserved rest for mom from the many night feeds. At around 12 weeks of age your baby may well surprise you and even sleep right through the night, if you’re lucky, although you’re looking at about 6 months for this to continue.

Also around the 12 weeks  milestone it is the perfect time to start a bedtime routine and get your baby into a pattern, which will teach your baby the difference between night and day and a routine (which we will look at further in depth in another post) can make all the difference to a good night’s sleep.

Did your baby sleep for long periods? Did you ever wonder if your baby was sleeping too much?

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