Diet & Weight Magazine

Honey And Cinnamon for Weight Loss – Does It Work?

By Barun K.

honey and cinnamon for weight lossTalking about weight loss, there are several remedies that people follow to shred the extra amount of fats from their body. Doing exercise and consuming healthy diet is the best preferred method. But we keep looking for methods that make it easier and faster.

In the recent days there are several claims made about honey and cinnamon, for their health benefits and positive effects towards weight loss.

Being natural they do not have any adverse effects in our body. And therefore can be considered better in comparison to supplements available in stores.

Honey triggers weight loss

honey spoon
Honey is naturally prepared by bees, these provide quick boost of energy in the body, just like sugar. However, honey possesses certain anti-bacterial property and it also acts as an antioxidant along with antiseptic qualities.

Honey boosts up and regulates metabolism, which increases the fat burning process and energy conversion in our body.

For individuals who feel bloated after a meal, can have honey with warm water, it enhances the natural digestion process.

Cinnamon has weight loss properties

cinnamon powder
Cinnamon is a spice, which we generally add to food.  However, there are several health benefits, which this spice has to offer.

Cinnamon works effectively, towards lowering bad cholesterol levels, helps regulate blood sugar levels and also lose weight. Consumption of cinnamon increase the body heat, which boosts metabolism and increases the amount of calories burnt.

Studies show that cinnamon reduces the LDL cholesterol and also reduces blood sugar levels. It also helps to raise insulin levels in our body and provides antioxidant benefits. All these properties play an important role in the weight loss process.

Honey and Cinnamon weight loss recipe

The best recipe for a weight loss diet is using both honey and cinnamon in a proper ratio:

You can combine, honey with cinnamon and water and drinking one glass of it daily can help you get rid of fat.

Take 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one glass of boiled water and mix it well.

Allow the mixture to cool down till it gets to room temperature.

Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture, stir it well and drink half of it before going to bed.

It is advised, not to add honey to hot water or stir it with a metal spoon. This shall destroy the enzymes and nutrients in the content.

Cover the balance of the mixture and keep it in fridge.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink the balance of the mixture without heating it.

This mixture is claimed to be the most effective combination for weight loss, as far as honey and cinnamon are considered. Above all, the taste of the drink is also AWESOME!!! Also it gives you the feeling of satiety, lowers down your hunger cravings.

Studies show this combination works effectively for weight loss and might help you to lose around 7 pounds per week. It does help you to lose belly fat too.

The combination of honey and cinnamon also has other positive effects to our body. Preventing the accumulation of fat in the body is one significant property of the ingredients.

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