Eco-Living Magazine

Highly Recommended: Dangers of Fracking Website

Posted on the 25 October 2012 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized
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Just wanted to remind you all that TONIGHT is the FREE screening of the films ‘Gasland’ & ‘Drying for Freedom’ at Durlston Castle in Swanage – full details on:

I have also stumbled across a really simple but stunning site called the ‘Dangers of Fracking’ which clearly and visually explains what goes in and out of Hydraulic Fracturing (also known as ‘fracking’) so you can get a bit more of an idea of what on earth it’s all about (and why on earth it is so bad!) before you watch the film ‘Gasland’, or indeed if you can’t make the free film screening as it also lists some further reading too.

Check out the website for yourself at:

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