Spirituality Magazine

‘Greenleaf ‘ Call Not Complete: Who Is Rochelle Cross And What Does She Want With The Greenleaf Family

By Firstladyb


‘Greenleaf ‘ Call Not Complete: Who Is Rochelle Cross And What Does She Want With The Greenleaf Family

Part two of the mid season premiere, “Call Not Complete” of Greenleaf aired Wednesday night, and it left me with one question…. Who is Rochelle Cross and what does she want with Bishop Greenleaf? Well, two questions.

Ms. Rochelle Cross, (played by newly engaged LeToya Luckett, you can read all about that HERE), comes on the scene acting like she trying to position herself to be First Lady.

We meet Rochelle after she gives Calvary a $10,000 donation.  Bishop Greenleaf calls to thank her, and sets up a lunch meeting.  On the day of the meeting Bishop asks Lady Mae to go with him to the lunch meeting, but she declines.

Here we go….

During lunch Ms. Rochelle explains to Bishop why she gave such a  large donation to the church.  Ms. Rochelle said  that she didn’t attend church at all during her five year marriage, and that’s why she felt the need to write the check.

Ms. Rochelle goes on to say that after hearing Bishop preach it brought back memories from her childhood when she attended Gethsemane Baptist Church.

Bishop then explains to Rochelle that donations as large as hers, are rewarded with a membership to the Bishops Roundtable. She responds with the only roundtable she’s interested in, is the roundtable they are sitting at eating lunch. Ms. Rochelle  then excuses herself and Bishop proceeds to wipe the sweat off his face, and asks for the check.

‘Greenleaf ‘ Call Not Complete: Who Is Rochelle Cross And What Does She Want With The Greenleaf Family

Back home, Lady Mae asks Bishop about the lunch meeting and if Rochelle will be joining Calvary.  Bishop says not yet, and explained that Rochelle wrote the check to settle a debt with the Lord.   The look on Lady Mae’s face tells it all.  Something ain’t right with this woman, and Lady Mae is sure to find out what it is.

My thought is Ms. Rochelle and Lady Mae already know each other, but I could be wrong.

OWN released this video so we can learn more about  Rochelle Cross, I guess they know we have questions.  Check it out:

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