Diet & Weight Magazine

Great Food Pics of the Week

By Johnisfit @johnisfit
Fruits and Veg

Check out the healthy market basket from David of Keep It Up, David. Lack of shopping has been one of my problems lately – I love to stock up like this (I'll usually add things like fennel, radishes and kohlrabi that I don't see here) because I've found that when I do it, and especially when I prep the food quickly, that I'm much more likely to eat well. Things I see here that I've never eaten: yellow carrots.


Maybe my problem is the lack of cute little animals in my pics? Seems to do the trick for Roz of Weighting for 50s. I love this morning snack of fresh fruit – this is a mix that I frequently purchase when I go shopping – pineapple, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Makes me healthy just thinking about it.

Sandwich Wrap

I love the closeup shot on this simple sandwich wrap by Marisa from Loser for Life. I could have chosen her picture of asparagus soup too – nice and green! I'll bet the wasabi mustard she used tasted great. One thing I noticed about her wrap was there doesn't seem to be much lettuce – I tend to really stuff mine, but the result is it doesn't look as nice in the photo.

Fruit and Veggies

Another nice selection of produce, this time from Beth from Beth's Journey. I can't decide which layout I like better for taking photos, this one or David's. But like David, she is buying many of the same produce I do – with the exception of the grapefruits and the plantain. Looks like she did a wrap with the plantain, very unique.

Stuffed Chicken

Well here is the problem with putting the pictures together one day and writing about them the next – I've managed to lose track of who posted this great picture of what I think is a stuffed chicken breast. Could be a pork chop too. Looks like it's stuffed with a relish of some sort – yummy. Did you take this picture? Let me know!


I love this sandwich picture by Biz from My Bizzy Kitchen because it's so different from the egg sandwich I might normally have. I don't even know what schiacciata is, but it looks good. And corned beef on an egg sandwich? Never would thought of that. I love corned beef but don't usually have it at home. Also, I'm trying to figure out how she staged that picture – looks the she has the table cloth pulled up against something in the back? Nice idea for a background.


This is Cranberry Couscous by Erin (my daughter's name, whoop whoop) from A Girl & Her Mutt. Cool picture and taken of something I'm pretty sure I have never made before. Maybe I made a box mix once, but if I did it wasn't good and it didn't look as good as this. I pretty much can't identify anything but the grain and the cranberries though – what's all that other stuff? Pepitas maybe?

Pork Chop

Love this simple plate of food by Anne-Marie from This Mama Cooks. I'm going to go out right now and find some plates like that to put on my Amazon wish list. Looks great for portion control. And nice pictures. I have to say though, the last time I made a side dish with beets, beet stalks and beet greens I peed beet red for a couple of days. Fun times.

Times are tough but I'd sure like them not to be. I have to figure out how to get back in the groove yet again, and this has helped. I'll be away on business for a couple of days but I'll get the chance to do some shopping – I'm seeing lots of fruit and veg in my future.

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By steve
posted on 11 February at 12:29
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great pics, more like great combination of colourful food quite inspirational.