Food & Drink Magazine

Go Figs and Ancient Peruvian Super Foods!

By Tonicnutrition1


Fig and maca smoothie pot with a swirl of coconut cream. Toffee-like, caramelly and gorgeous 😍🙆 Grown in the mountains of Peru, Maca has been called “Peruvian ginseng.” This super food has been around for over 3000 years and has been used medicinally for centuries in South America.

I order mine off Amazon. Its not expensive and lasts ages. Maca is abundant in amino acids, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, vitamins (B1, B2, C & E) & minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur, sodium & iron). It has the ability to increase energy & stamina, oxygenate the blood, support neurotransmitter production & increase libido. It’s also great for balancing hormones and fertility.

If you don’t have any Maca (tastes sweet and caramelly by the way) just do fig and banana instead. Figs are amazing!

Figs are an awesome source of calcium, and their high potassium content may counteract the urinary excretion of calcium from highly acidic or high sodium diets. They also contain prebiotics, which help support the pre-existing good bacteria in the gut, improving digestive wellness. Go figs!

Go Figs and Ancient Peruvian Super Foods!

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